Thursday, December 31, 2009


Saint John the Apostle liked to play with his pet sparrow from time to time. One day a hunter came to visit him asked him, "Why do you waste your time playing? Why devote so much attention to something as useless as a sparrow?"

Saint John looked at him in surprise and asked: "Why is the string on your bow not tight?" "Oh, you can't keep it tight all the time," the hunter explained, "otherwise it loses its tension and becomes useless for shooting arrows." So Saint John told him in return: "My friend, just as you always release the tension on your bowstring, so you must release the tension inside of you and relax. If I don't relax and just play, I have no strength for any great undertaking. I don't even have the strength to do what I have to and what is necessary."

Recess break in classroom or office is a necessary part of work and education. We will need it to do good job for a long time...

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